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School News

Start of the New Scholastic Year
On the first day of the 2024/25 scholastic year, our students were filled with excitement as they reunited with friends after the summer break. Adding to the vibrant atmosphere, they proudly wore their house-colour t-shirts alongside staff members, fostering a strong sense of community and school spirit.
October 1, 2024
Grade 12 School Leaving Celebration
Last Friday's Grade 12's School Leaving Mass, Celebration, and Ceremony were truly memorable and heartfelt, leaving us with cherished memories to hold onto. As we reflect on this special occasion, we can't help but feel immense pride for our amazing students, whose dedication and hard work have brought them to this milestone.
July 1, 2024
SEA Our Future Campaign Raises €8,000 for NGO Zibel
This morning marked a truly special occasion as we concluded our SEA Our Future Campaign with an emotional presentation. Throughout this scholastic year, students from all sectors, guided by their dedicated educators, engaged in immersive learning about ocean literacy. This initiative was part of the San Anton School Community Social Engagement Programme, focusing on raising awareness about the sea and addressing the critical issue of marine pollution and other sea-related matters.
June 26, 2024
Imsielet fl-Imselliet Art Project
Our stunning outdoor sculpture installations are ready, enhancing the approach to the school and its outdoor areas with vibrant colour and interest. This collaborative project, led by our Art teaching team in partnership with professional sculptor Stephan Priehyba, draws inspiration from the flora and fauna of the neighbouring Imselliet Valley, exploring the intricate relationship between nature and art.
June 24, 2024
The Grade 12 Greek Adventure
With their exams over and the end of their San Anton journey approaching, 76 Grade 12 students, along with 8 educators, embarked on an exciting trip to Thessaloniki, Greece. This adventure was packed with cultural experiences, breathtaking views, and thrilling activities, making it a memorable chapter in their lives.
June 21, 2024
35 Years of San Anton School
On the evening of June 13, 2024, the San Anton School community gathered to commemorate a dual celebration: the school's 35th anniversary and the feast day of its patron saint, St. Anthony. This significant event brought together trustees, current and former board members, heads of school, students, staff, parents, and alumni, all united in their pride and affection for the school.
June 17, 2024
San Anton School awarded European Blue School Status
We are proud to announce that San Anton School has been awarded the status of European Blue School for our community engagement project, SEA Our Future, for the 2023/24 scholastic year. This certification is granted by the EU4Ocean Coalition, funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
June 10, 2024
Mary Poppins Jnr
We take great pride in the fact that our school showcases performances of the highest calibre, thanks to our incredibly talented students and dedicated team of Performing Arts professionals.
June 1, 2024
LYR-X Radio Awards 2024
Last night`s LYR-X Radio Awards 2024 was an unforgettable night filled with exceptional talent and outstanding performances. We extend our congratulations to all the students, parents and staff who graced the stage, the deserving award winners, and the dedicated backstage crew.
May 30, 2024
Junior Sector Sports Days
Our last Sports Days for this year was those of the Junior Sector held on two separate days filled with fun and friendly competition. Our P.E. Department did yet another great job setting up various stations with races and team games that showcased what the children had learnt in their P.E. lessons throughout the year.
May 20, 2024
Exploring Seagrass with Dr Karl Attard
Today we welcomed Dr. Karl Attard, a distinguished marine biologist and Old Antonian as a guest speaker for our SEA Our Future project. Dr. Attard, currently serving as an Associate Professor of Marine Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark, graced us with his expertise and insights into the mesmerising world beneath the waves.
May 3, 2024
Early Years Sports Day
Yesterday marked our annual Early Years Sports Day, hosted at our state of the art San Anton Sports Complex. It was a delightful occasion brimming with joy and excitement for all participants. Observing the boundless enthusiasm of both children and parents throughout the activities was truly heartening. These moments are invaluable in instilling a passion for physical activity and sports among our young learners.
April 18, 2024
SEA Our Future Campaign Raises €8,000 for NGO Zibel
This morning marked a truly special occasion as we concluded our SEA Our Future Campaign with an emotional presentation. Throughout this scholastic year, students from all sectors, guided by their dedicated educators, engaged in immersive learning about ocean literacy. This initiative was part of the San Anton School Community Social Engagement Programme, focusing on raising awareness about the sea and addressing the critical issue of marine pollution and other sea-related matters.
11 Jan 2022
Imsielet fl-Imselliet Art Project
Our stunning outdoor sculpture installations are ready, enhancing the approach to the school and its outdoor areas with vibrant colour and interest. This collaborative project, led by our Art teaching team in partnership with professional sculptor Stephan Priehyba, draws inspiration from the flora and fauna of the neighbouring Imselliet Valley, exploring the intricate relationship between nature and art.
11 Jan 2022
The Grade 12 Greek Adventure
With their exams over and the end of their San Anton journey approaching, 76 Grade 12 students, along with 8 educators, embarked on an exciting trip to Thessaloniki, Greece. This adventure was packed with cultural experiences, breathtaking views, and thrilling activities, making it a memorable chapter in their lives.
11 Jan 2022
35 Years of San Anton School
On the evening of June 13, 2024, the San Anton School community gathered to commemorate a dual celebration: the school's 35th anniversary and the feast day of its patron saint, St. Anthony. This significant event brought together trustees, current and former board members, heads of school, students, staff, parents, and alumni, all united in their pride and affection for the school.
11 Jan 2022
San Anton School awarded European Blue School Status
We are proud to announce that San Anton School has been awarded the status of European Blue School for our community engagement project, SEA Our Future, for the 2023/24 scholastic year. This certification is granted by the EU4Ocean Coalition, funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
11 Jan 2022
Exploring Seagrass with Dr Karl Attard
Today we welcomed Dr. Karl Attard, a distinguished marine biologist and Old Antonian as a guest speaker for our SEA Our Future project. Dr. Attard, currently serving as an Associate Professor of Marine Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark, graced us with his expertise and insights into the mesmerising world beneath the waves.
11 Jan 2022
Grade 7 students excel in National Junior Mathematics Challenge
Grade 7 (Year 6) students Edward Busuttil, Luke Mifsud Bonnici, Ida Pace, Scarlett Salt and Emma Montebello recently participated in the High 5 - Junior Mathematics Challenge, organised by the Directorate for Learning and Assessment Programmes, targeting mathematically gifted and talented students in schools across Malta and Gozo.
11 Jan 2022
April Professional Development Day
And we're back after the Easter break with a Professional Development Day, aligning with our school's unwavering dedication to the continuous growth and enrichment of our academic staff.The day saw active participation from academic staff members across all three sectors, engaging in a variety of workshops facilitated by both internal experts and distinguished external professionals.
11 Jan 2022
PGL UK Adventure Trip
The Easter holidays proved to be an exhilarating adventure for many of our Grade 10 students as they embarked on a memorable journey to PGL Caythorpe Court, accompanied by dedicated educators.PGL Caythorpe Court, nestled in the picturesque landscape of Linconshire, United Kingdom, spans 65 acres, offering a diverse range of outdoor activities and opportunities for personal growth.
11 Jan 2022
Students participate in online public consultation event for National Education Strategy
Three Senior Sector students, Simon Tuffigno (Grade 9), Julian Grech (Grade 11), and Emma-Lynn Mifsud (Grade 11), actively engaged in an online public consultation event centered around the National Education Strategy (NES) for the period 2024-2026.
11 Jan 2022
Grade 12 student appointed as Research and Innovation Ambassador 2023
Congratulations to Grade 12 student Luisa Borg, who was selected as one of 6 outstanding individuals selected as Research and Innovation Ambassadors for 2023 and winners of the competition, Scientists of Tomorrow: Ensuring a Sustainable Future, organised by the Ministry for Education, Sport, Youth, Research and Innovation.
11 Jan 2022
San Anton School wins Gold Dinja Waħda Award
This morning, San Anton School was privileged to participate in the Dinja Waħda Awards Ceremony, hosted by Birdlife Malta, celebrating the accomplishments of schools engaged in the 2022/2023 programme.
11 Jan 2022
Prosit kbira lill-istudenti tal-Grade 8 għar-rappreżentazzjoni drammatika tagħhom ta' 'Ħrejjef', mill-pinna ta' Ruben Żahra. L-atturi bravi żgħażagħ taw ħajja ġdida lill-istejjer 'Fqir Twelidt u Fqir Immut', 'It-Tliet Xebbiet', 'Ġaħan u l-Istatwa' u 'Is-Sultan Kibritlu Għadma'.
11 Jan 2022
SEA Our Future Open Day
Today we warmly welcomed our San Anton parent community to our annual Open Day, providing them with firsthand experience to witness and applaud the remarkable creative endeavors of our students. It served as a true testament to their ongoing and inspiring learning journey.
11 Jan 2022
SEA Our Future: A Human Library Experience
Aligned with this year's theme for our Community Engagement Programme, our Grade 4 and 5 students enthusiastically participated in a Human Library event featuring insights from five experts in diverse fields related to the sea. This immersive experience was a key component of our project-based learning approach, spearheaded by the Pedagogical and Curriculum Consultant, Mr. Heathcliff Schembri.
11 Jan 2022
Pets Day
This morning, we celebrated our annual Pets Day, a cherished tradition that stands out as one of the most anticipated events on the Early Years and Junior Sector School Calendar. The celebration coincides with the feast of St. Anthony the Abbot, the patron saint of animals.
11 Jan 2022
Administration Professional Development Day
Today, our Administrative team returned to school after the Christmas break for a morning dedicated to professional development and skill enhancement. To foster a culture of holistic wellbeing, the team engaged in an engaging workshop centered on stress management techniques and nurturing mental wellbeing.
11 Jan 2022
Science Fair - SEA Our Future
Last Thursday, the Senior Sector Science Wing was a hive of activity,as our school proudly hosted the Grade 9 Science Fair. As a part of this year's Community Social Engagement Programme, the event served as a vibrant display, showcasing 28 investigative projects all centered around the theme "SEA Our Future." Each participating student passionately presented their research question, methods, and discoveries to an eager audience comprising parents and fellow students.
11 Jan 2022
The Grade 8 Live-In Experience
And our Grade 8 live-in, the first for this scholastic year has come to an end!Lots of fun was had with outdoor adventure games, a night hike, followed by a traditional meal in Mgarr, hot chocolate and marshmallows at school, night football, zombie tag and much more.
11 Jan 2022
Professional Development Day
Today's Senior Sector Professional Development day delved deeply into the pivotal topic of Assessments. With the implementation of the New Assessment Model, the landscape of teaching, learning, and evaluation is rapidly transforming, moving towards a realm where continuous assessments play a central role.
11 Jan 2022
San Martin Walk
Blessed by glorious sunshine, our famous San Martin Walk unfolded this morning, defying the initial rain forecast.This day holds great anticipation in our school calendar. Students, accompanied by educators, staff, and parents, embarked on age-appropriate sponsored walks or picnics to the San Martin Caves and the picturesque countryside nearby.
11 Jan 2022
Grade 10 Astronomy Night
Last Friday evening, the Science department at our school hosted an Astronomy Night that left our Grade 10 Physics students both educated and entertained. The evening began with a series of informative presentations on the Universe and the Solar System, essential topics in the Matsec Syllabus. These presentations were skillfully delivered by Ms. Clarissa, Ms. Elaine, Mr. John, Ms. Rebecca, and Mr. Daniel.
11 Jan 2022
Serata ta’ Premjazzjoni tal-Isfida Msella
Ilbieraħ kien hemm is-serata ta’ premjazzjoni tal-Isfida Msella. Kienet serata speċjali li bħas-sena l-oħra, saret fi ħdan il-Festival Nazzjonali tal-Ktieb, li ssapportjana f’din l-inizjattiva sa mill-bidu nett.L-Isfida Msella mhix kompetizzjoni – hija eżerċizzju li permezz tagħha l-parteċipanti jisfidaw lilhom infushom f’sensiela ta’ sfidi mtarrġa li jwasslu għal apprezzament iktar fil-fond u t-tħaddim iktar matur tal-lingwa Maltija.
11 Jan 2022
Grade 12 School Leaving Celebration
Last Friday's Grade 12's School Leaving Mass, Celebration, and Ceremony were truly memorable and heartfelt, leaving us with cherished memories to hold onto. As we reflect on this special occasion, we can't help but feel immense pride for our amazing students, whose dedication and hard work have brought them to this milestone.The evening was a fitting tribute, filled with emotions and nostalgia, as we bid farewell to our beloved Grade 12s and their incredible San Anton journey.
11 Jan 2022
SEA Our Future Campaign Raises €8,000 for NGO Zibel
This morning marked a truly special occasion as we concluded our SEA Our Future Campaign with an emotional presentation. Throughout this scholastic year, students from all sectors, guided by their dedicated educators, engaged in immersive learning about ocean literacy. This initiative was part of the San Anton School Community Social Engagement Programme, focusing on raising awareness about the sea and addressing the critical issue of marine pollution and other sea-related matters.
11 Jan 2022
San Anton School awarded European Blue School Status
We are proud to announce that San Anton School has been awarded the status of European Blue School for our community engagement project, SEA Our Future, for the 2023/24 scholastic year. This certification is granted by the EU4Ocean Coalition, funded by the European Commission's Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries.
11 Jan 2022
Children for Children Campaign raises €7,200 for Puttinu Cares
This morning marked a truly special occasion as we concluded our Children for Children Campaign with a heartfelt presentation. The San Anton School community came together and raised an impressive sum of €7,200 through various engaging activities as part of this year's San Anton School Community Social Engagement Programme. We had the pleasure of presenting Ms. Angele Cuschieri from Puttinu with a cheque for this remarkable amount.
11 Jan 2022
Students awarded the Sustainability Award 2023 by Prince`s Trust Achieve International Malta
This morning, a ceremony took place at St. Michael School Santa Venera, where Grade 11 students Alexia Sant and Kate Oswald, participants in the Prince's Trust programme, were honored with the prestigious Sustainability Award 2023 by Prince's Trust Achieve International Malta.
11 Jan 2022
Grade 11 Students Volunteer for Lourdes Pilgrimage
The Maltese Association of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta recently extended an invitation to San Anton School to participate in its annual pilgrimage to Lourdes. And once again, the school eagerly accepted the invitation.
11 Jan 2022
Junior Sector Students raise a whopping €1600 for Puttinu Cares as part of our Children for Children campaign
Following last December's Expression of Interest to our Junior Sector, 13 groups of budding entrepreneurs and talented crafters rose to the occasion and made crafts in their free time, in order to raise money for Puttinu Cares ahead of next week's Crafts for Puttinu, as part of this year`s Children for Children campaign.
11 Jan 2022
Children for Children Campaign
We are proud to launch the theme for this year’s San Anton School Community Social Engagement Programme 2022/23.
11 Jan 2022