The Junior Sector seeks to develop self-confident and independent learners, who are able to face the challenges of the digital age, while providing a wide and holistic learning programme, that encourages exploration and experimentation.
Children experience both a rigorous academic programme and also a varied programme of complimentary subjects with specialist teachers. Both types of programmes are given equal importance and all learners are encouraged to develop their talents to the full through any subjects they can excel in.

Children are encouraged to become reflective individuals who can work collaboratively with others. Higher-order thinking is developed through meaningful and concrete situations, that motivate the children to develop their curiosity and creativity.
As students progress from the Early Years Sector to the Junior Sector, the transition is eased through a continuation of a Learning through play approach. As the year progresses, our learners are gradually introduced to more academic learning.
Activities presented become more enquiry based so that students learn to be more rigorous in their learning and become independent learners.
The quest for more self-initiated learning, tempered with teacher-led learning is strengthened from grade to grade across the Junior Years through a broad-based curriculum.
Within a framework of stimulating, enquiry-based teaching and pastoral care based on Catholic-inspired principles, students engage with learning and life and are encouraged to question and to be independent thinkers, making mature decisions from an early age.

Our academic programme is based on both the Learning Outcome Framework*, as well as on a number of international curricula. Learning is differentiated, so that children of different and diverse abilities, can access the curriculum as equitably as possible.
* A framework of ten levels of achievement, first introduced in the draft National Curriculum Framework of 2010.
This Sector is also home to Performing Arts productions of a very high standard, where the disciplines of Drama, Music, and Dance come together to produce musicals and plays which expose the students’ artistic talent. These productions are also an opportunity for children to develop a sense of community while working on self-expression, self-confidence, and individual personalities.