The Story so Far
San Anton School opened its doors in 1988, at Villa San Anton in Attard, Malta, when a group of forward-thinking parents decided to form a school that genuinely placed the child at the centre of the educational process.
The challenge ahead was great, however determined parents worked together to achieve the desirable aim of fulfilling their dream through the establishment of a non-profit making school that was public, where children could receive an education of their choice - one which treats children as individual learners.
A success story from the very start, the school went from strength to strength and within two years moved to the current, purpose-built premises in Imselliet.
“A new school in Malta with a new and exciting philosophy, set up as a collaborative project among parents on a non-profit basis, was the solution to many issues compounding the educational reality in Malta in 1988. I am so happy to have had the privilege of stating the obvious when it stared me in the face, in the aftermath of the lottery system thrown at us in the spring of 1988. I am so proud of where our joint efforts led and how we managed to change the Maltese educational landscape.”
“San Anton School is living evidence of what dedication, commitment and community can achieve when motivated by parental love.”